Gratitude Practice Improves Health and Happiness
Studies show practicing gratitude has physical and emotional benefits. Read more and learn what gratitude has to offer and easy ways begin practicing...
Studies show practicing gratitude has physical and emotional benefits. Read more and learn what gratitude has to offer and easy ways begin practicing...
Discover effective strategies for getting better sleep and improving your overall well-being. Learn what really works for a good night's rest.
Read Kim's story how she and her whole family benefitted from neurofeedback and eventually decided to become a professional neurofeedback trainer...
Wondering how you'll feel after a neurofeedback session? Learn more about the potential benefits and sensations in our latest blog post.
What impacts brain health and performance? More than you think! Learn what factors impact brain performance from genetics to the food you eat.
Read NY neurofeedback trainer Amy's top three benefits after a few months of NeurOptimal brain training - physical, emotional, and cognitive changes.
Learn essential and evidence-based tips for keeping the brain healthy for life. Eating, sleeping & exercising have proven positive impacts on brain...
Equip your child with the best tools for success in the age of COVID. Check out these back-to-school recommendations from Neurofeedback Training Co.
How to boost energy? Read about natural, scientifically supported ways to energize your body and brain. Typically, it takes three months to change a...
Learn about the best practices to train the brain in New York City that boost cognitive and emotional fitness, reduce stress, and promote healthy...