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neurofeedback home system

What is the Best Neurofeedback System?

Looking for the best neurofeedback in San Diego? Visit our blog for tips on finding the right provider for your needs.

Can you set an appointment with yourself for 45 minutes twice a week?  If yes, then a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback device at home is the best way to bring superior brain training into your wellness regime.  We give our clients the choice: to train in-office or take a device home.  75% of our clients choose the neurofeedback home kit and they're not disappointed.


what to consider when trying Neurofeedback training

Dynamical NeurOptimal® Neuro Feedback - What's the Difference?

Eight years ago when we were building our brain training center in New York, this technology is the one we ultimately chose out of all the other systems on the market.  Read my story about why I chose NeurOptimal.  We are glad we made this decision and about 90% of our customers are very happy with their results.  The other 10% often either, didn't make the time to train, or trained too infrequently to see the positive shifts.  

NeurOptimal is the only Dynamical® neurofeedback system.  And what that means to the consumer and the quality of your training is that it is 100% safe and effective for improving overall wellness.  It is non-invasive and provides precisely timed feedback that is relevant to your brain's natural ability to optimize it's functioning.

As it is designed with optimization as the goal, anybody can benefit.  It helps us shift the stress response, create calm and be able to focus when needed.   Watch what happens in a neurofeedback session - training with the Neuro Optimal system.

nft-neurofeedback-for-kids-homeWhy is neurofeedback at home your best option?

  • Same technology as in office visit
  • Save in overall cost of neurofeedback sessions 
  • Easy to use: takes 15 minutes to learn how to operate
  • Train for as many months as you feel you are getting results
  • Experiment with what's the best time of day, and number of sessions/week that's right for you

When renting a system, you'll get everything you need to do neurofeedback at home. You'll also be assigned a neurofeedback trainer coach during the month of your neurofeedback training to guide you if you need extra help. View our packages and plans here.

Read also:

What is the Cost of NeurOptimal?


Hear what our Renters Say from around the Country

 Neurofeedback in San Diego, California

Our recent renter in San Diego had her system shipped from our LA office.  She brain trained for 2 months and left us this review:

I rented the unlimited package for two months. I was immediately impressed with the careful organization of materials and instructions. It is easy for a technological dinosaur like myself to use! The effect on myself is beyond adequate description. Daily increasing peace, focus, better sleep and especially less stressful response to the challenges I face.

Neurofeedback in Portland, OR

A local NeurOptimal trainer in Portland reached out to us to help a client of hers who wanted to do neurofeedback but had a hard time getting into the office.  Within five days we had a neurofeedback home kit up and running in her living room!  Client rented for a month to start with and saw the benefits of the training and continued another month:

Please extend the rental. I am so enthused with what has happened in one month. I am in a bit of a disbelief. I have pled for years with my husband to get help for his mind. And the last couple weeks have been amazing. He is willing to admit he needs help. Childhood pain is being released. This is amazing!

Neurofeedback in Seattle, WA

We get a lot of requests from clients wanting to train from Washington State.  There are not a lot of NeurOptimal providers in the area and when clients find out that the home unit is the EXACT same technology as we use in our offices, they are happy to rent.  

I decided to try neurofeedback after a friend told me how it helped her and suggested it to help me manage stress. After my first session at a local neurofeedback clinic near me , I felt relaxed and took a nap for the first time in years and slept soundly that night (I guess my brain needed sleep!). After a few more sessions, I noticed a subtle shift, mostly an increased ability to focus. I decided to rent to save in cost and so that my boys, ages 7 and 9 could also train at home. They both say they now feel more relaxed and are not feeling so overwhelmed with school and homework. I noticed too that they were calmer and happier.

Top Rated NeurOptimal Option – Rent A Home System!

The Dynamical Neurofeedback Home System from NeurOptimal is the most advanced neuro-technology available. Click here to learn what makes this system so different from other neurofeedback systems on the market. Want to start training? Click here to learn how to reserve a rental.

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